- RealTalk - An app that uses deep learning to let users have a conversation with anyone – fictional, famous, or historical. Winner of Best Overall Hack at HooHacks 2021.
- Common Grounds - A video-calling platform that uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 language prediction model to generate prompts that spark conversation and connection between people. Winner of Entertainment & Social Interconnectivity Grand Prize at TreeHacks 2021.
- PoseParty - A neat little app that lets you do yoga online with friends. Winner of Best Art & Gaming Hack at HooHacks 2020 and Hack Quarantine.
- Counting People with Machine Learning - Counts the number of people in a video feed in real time.
- CarbonKarma - Offset your carbon footprint by being more aware of how you shop online.
- My undergraduate thesis, with a technical survey of distributed training methods for deep learning models and an exploration of the interpretability, accountability, and ethics of deep learning.
- HN Demetricator - A Chrome extension that removes upvote and comment counts from Hacker News.
- theCourseForum2 - Led a rewrite of a much-used website at my college that hosts course and professor reviews. Spent many a weekend night on this in the spring of 2020.
- djen - a platform for generative art
- Deploy - A course on backend web development that I taught for a club with my friend Rashid in the fall of 2019.
- HighlightKit - Social highlighting in just one line of code.
- L.A. Bikes - A web app that analyzes and visualizes bike sharing data in Los Angeles. Won entry to the 2019 Capital One Software Engineering Summit
- Reinform - A platform that allows citizens to learn more about congresspersons’ sources of funding and legislative voting history. Winner of Disrupt the District 2018.
- Made of Code VSCode - A VSCode theme based on the Made of Code TextMate theme.
- My OG Blog - My personal website circa 2015, back when I was a Sophomore in High School! Revived and now living on Netlify.